Saturday, April 18, 2009

Best Text Message Conversation EVER?

Humans and technology. In this day and age, they go hand in hand. Or, hand in socket. Or USB drive. Whatever the analogy, they exist together and their bond cannot be unbroken. Not even when an illegal substance is thrown into the mix. Actually, it serves to make the experience all the more interesting. So interesting that I wanted to make an entry about it.

This text convo isn't really hilarious or unique. It's just... poignant.

The following text convo occurred on March 28th at 11:58 PM. To protect the identities of the innocent, my friend's name has been changed to "Smelly McPoopypants". I will provide in-between text commentary when necessary. And yes, I type out my "ha's" when I text laugh. Shut up.

Smelly McPoopypants: Hola

Me: Hey. What's up?

S McP: Not much... what's up with u?

Me: Nothing, just homework.

S McP: Aww i should do that :/

Me: Hahahaha

S McP: Man im so relaxed... Lol

BOOM. That came out of nowhere. I mean, it's cool that they were relaxed, but couldn't they have figured out a better seque? Then again, the reason behind the abruptness of this text will be explained anyway. Also, relaxing is apparently funny. That will be explained too.

Me: Where u at?

S McP: Everywhere... hahaha...In some car with my friend Lol

Being in a random car is also funny.

Me: Ah, cool.

S McP: Yup... not really that's lame but im high so im relaxed Lol

See, told ya it wold be explained.

Me: So you're not on a car?

I thought they said "On some car." They did not, read a few lines above for proof. I'm a moron.

S McP: O shit did i say that? My bad... im in a car chillin

They didn't notice! I'm not a huge moron.

Me: Oh, alright then. Cool.

S McP: Yeah... my bad ur all busy and im telling u im high Lol...

Me: I'm not busy. It's totally cool.

S McP: Ok sweet... man i need some chill music

Me: I wish I knew some.

I do know chill music. But, I doubted she had DragonForce on her at the time.

S McP: I think i have some im just not in the mood to focus and check... man im lazy

Me: Or high

S McP: Yeah that too... so anywho what hw u doing?

Me: Screenwriting

S McP: OOO ok... what's ur script about?

Me: A road trip to a concert

S McP: Sweet!

I actually am writing a road trip concert movie. It's going well.

Anyway, the convo stopped at that point, mostly because I was writing. I then was getting ready for bed when all of a sudden, at 12:42 AM...

S McP: Dude the doors tickel my ears Lol!

I did not respond.


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