How long have I loved Blink-182? I'm not sure exactly. I believe it was sometime between 1999 and 2000. I remember the first time I spent my own money on a Blink-182 album. It was at a Tower Records (remember those days?) about a mile from my house. I walked in and noticed the "New Releases" rack, and on it was "The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show (The Enema Strikes Back)". When I walked into that Tower Records and saw that album, I didn't even go to the main area to check the normal CD racks. I picked it up and bought it. I remember loving the artwork and all the the little in-jokes on the front and back covers. For example, an animated Janine (the porn actress who models for the "Enema Of The State" cover) sitting on an amp, or the numerous fans with Blink-related tattoos ("Blink Me", "182°", etc.).
It was interesting that the first Blink album I ever bought was their limited release live album. I didn't even know it was in limited release until 2 years ago. But, in hindsight, it was a great way to be exposed to most of the band's music. There's music from three of their albums on that CD. "The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show" also further exposed me to their brand of toilet humor, so much so that any mention of the word "sex" became funny to me.
The first time I saw Blink-182 live was in 2001, during their Take Off Your Pants and Jacket Tour. It was the first concert that I had to drive more than an hour to see. It was at the Coors Ampitheatre in San Diego. I forget who drove me there, and friend of my mom's, I think. I do remember who came with me, the daughter of my housekeeper. We had lawn tickets, which means we were in the way back, behind two full sections and the floor. I still thought we had amazing seats though!
The opening bands were Home Town Heroes, Midtown, and New Found Glory. I think we arrived either right before or during the Home Town Heroes set. I don't remember much of them or Midtown. I was really excited for NFG and Blink. New Found Glory came out with force. All their songs were energetic and exciting. They also did a verse-and-a-half cover of Blink's "Dammit", and that was amazing.
Then, it was time. The curtains opened, and a giant, metal sign with only the word "FUCK" was shown. It was lit on fire. I was ecstatic.
I don't remember too much of the set that night. I do remember that the played the Country Song (owners of the live CD know) and Mark ended it with a loud, uproarious, "Timmah!" (this is when Timmy from South Park was becoming the newest American craze). I also remember purchasing my first Blink merch that night: a t-shirt and a poster. That poster still hangs in my room to this day.
The second time I saw them was during the Pop Disaster Tour, when they were touring with Jimmy Eat World and Green Day. It was at the Great Western Forum in Los Angeles. I was SO excited to see that show. Blink-182 and Green Day were my two favorite bands at that point, and seeing them together was a dream come true. I made this as a poster:

I remember the countless hours I spent working on that picture. See those tattoos on Travis' arms? Each drawn individually and pasted in near-correct positions according to pictures of him. Yeah, I know. Schoolwork was postponed for this creation. I remember getting many compliments, and then being told to put it down once the show started. I forgot that it would block people, I guess. BUT, I had such a good time. My friend and I were at the very bottom section right behind the pit, and I was so excited to be closer to the stage, even though I was still far away. I still own and wear shirts and buttons from that show. I still have the poster.
Although it wasn't a Blink show, the next Blink-related show I attended was for the band Box Car Racer. The band I remember playing with them was The Used, but that was it. My friend Irena and I were like 2 of 5 people in the balcony standing up and jumping to the music. It was fantastic.
The last time I saw Blink-182 live before their hiatus was right after their self-titled album came out. It was in Hollywood, and it was such an awesome show. It was my first Blink show where I got to be in the GA area. The guys threw out Famous Stars & Straps keychains and Mark even let his bass out into the crowd! At least, I think he did. I'm not sure. I remember making great friends with this one girl, who I unfortunately forgot the name of. But, she was awesome. She lost the ball from her lip ring. As I was leaving, I waved and yelled at her and she waved back. My first official concert buddy.
Then, the hiatus. I was so sad to hear they wouldn't be making music together again. I was still in high school at the time, and my friends were apparently so happy that they "broke up" and tried to rub it in my face because they knew I liked them so much. But I didn't care. I knew that being a fan of theirs wasn't for naught, and I planned on staying that way.
I listened to Angels & Airwaves a little, and I really liked +44 and TRVS-DJAM. I saw +44 during the Honda Civic Tour with Fall Out Boy. They played Blink's "The Rock Show" as one of their last songs, and I flipped out. Everyone there was ecstatic, but no one could've been happier than me to hear that song live again.
Then, Blink-182 announced that they were officially back together last year. I knew what they were gonna say even before they came out on stage for the Grammy's. I don't care what anyone says, there was not one person who was as happy as I was to hear them say it.
This summer, I get to relive seeing the first band I ever was a fan of again. I'm aiming for the GA tickets, but to be in the building just to hear them play again will be something I will never forget. I love Blink-182!
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